Requirements That Must Be Met Before Obtaining a Downrange Pass
Prerequisites to obtaining a downrange pass are (1) complete the annual downrange safety briefing(s) on iSportsman, (2) purchase an annual recreation permit or a downrange firewood collection permit on iSportsman, and (3) do a one-time registration of your firearms (if hunting). Click here
The Block & Area System
- When hunting is allowed Fort Carson, a downrange pass is generally available for 1 or more training areas termed a “block.” The pass is valid for a single block.
- When hunting is allowed at Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS), a downrange pass is generally available for 1 or more training areas termed an “Area.” The pass is valid for a single Area.
- Whether on FC or PCMS, you are only authorized to be in a Block or Area that you are checked into and have a downrange pass for. Leaving your assigned Block or Area will result in penalties or fines as it is strictly prohibited.
Recreationists can obtain and print a downrange pass online at any computer with an internet connection and a printer. If unable to print a pass, an electronic copy will be accepted by post law enforcement (i.e., on smart phone). If a pass is not printed, the recreationist must provide a legible hand-written paper pass and have it on their vehicle dashboard at all times.
When to Obtain a Downrange Pass
Access starts and a downrange pass can be obtained just after 0400 on the day the areas are available. However, sometimes areas may become available or be removed later in the day; these updates will be posted as they become available. Range passes are obtained on a first come, first serve basis.
Procedure for Obtaining a Downrange Pass
Select “Check-in” from your personal account's Home page and complete the required information. If you use the kiosk to obtain the pass, take your time and do not try to rush the system. If the system does not seem to be responding, wait and allow the system to process your information. If you attempt to speed the process by clicking return or submit more than once the check-in process may be aborted.
Downrange Pass Rules
- A downrange pass is valid for a specific block composed of one or more training areas for the date and time specified on the pass. PCMS return times are posted at the kiosk. Those with a downrange firewood collection permit will select the "Firewood" block and/or parent to get a downrange pass to collect firewood.
- The paper copy of the downrange pass (either electronic or hand-written) must be placed on the vehicle dashboard so that the information is visible through the windshield.
- A downrange pass is required for hunting, by any method, at any location on Fort Carson or PCMS.
- Youth, 17 years of age or younger, are not required to obtain a downrange pass.
- Mentors, accompanying a youth hunter 17 years old or younger, must have a downrange pass.
- Non-participants are not required to get a downrange pass, but are only allowed downrange with a customer, age 18 years of age or older, who has a valid downrange pass.
- A downrange pass can be revoked in the field by Fort Carson law enforcement or Range Control personnel.
- A downrange pass is not required on Fort Carson to fish in Northside, Haymes, West Haymes, Townsend, or Womack reservoirs. A downrange pass is not required to enter the Outdoor Recreation Management Area/Bird Farm unless you are training dogs with blanks or caps. These areas are open 24 hours daily.
- A downrange pass is required for dog trainers using blanks or caps at any location on Fort Carson or PCMS. The Wildlife Demonstration Area and Outdoor Recreation Management Area/Bird Farm requires a downrange pass for dog training if you are shooting blanks.
Checking Out
- Recreationists must checkout from their iSportsman account from a smart phone or computer no later than the posted checkout time. If you have issues checking out call - Fort Carson 719-725-4682 or PCMS 719-338-9536.
- If you fail to checkout, your account will be put on hold for a minimum of a two week suspension and a $180.00 fine.
Changing a Downrange Pass
To change a downrange pass, the permittee must check out from their account and then obtain a new pass by checking back in to an available Block or Area.